Picture159 Lbs. of strong!
Over the past couple of months prepping for the 2013 San Diego Highland Games has allowed me to train hard, lift heavy and eat more. All in which are amazing, but after the Highland Games I started stepping on the scale to see what I had gained (which I rarely do). Why would I think it's necessary to check my weight or think I need to lose weight. Well, society says so. Women are forced to think rail thin and model like is what we are suppose to look like. My entire life I have had an athletic type body. Playing softball, gymnastics, dance, cheer and horse back riding developed my muscles at a young age. I will never be rail thin and I'm 100% happy with that. So, why weigh myself? why care about the number? I somehow think if the scale says I weight 150 lb. I'm good and it makes me happy but, if it's higher, I think I need to drop a couple pounds. This is bullshit thinking. I'm happy and proud of my body, the number on the scale doesn't matter. If you work your ass off in the gym and eat clean 80% of the time, sounds like you are doing your best and shouldn't worry about the number on the scale! This is my farewell, sayonara to the scale! I'm not stepping on the scale the rest of Summer! You should join me!